Land of Size

The Iceland Phallological Museum in Reykjavik

You may or not know that Iceland has a penis museum. Or the Icelandic Phallological Museum to be exact. The manager, Hjortur Sigurdsson said that it started off as a laugh when his father started collecting penises and then he opened the museum.

The hoard is growing and boasts a human penis amongst the two hundred strong collection of animal penises. They are all the creatures that live in and around the island which accounts for where there are so many giant whale penises.

The purpose of the museum is scientific, dedicated to the field of phallology as opposed to eroticism. It isn’t a particularly erotic place as you can see from the picture below.

Iceland Phallological Museum

It is essentially only a couple of rooms big and many penis themed items are also on display. Like this phone.

Penis phone at Iceland Phallological Museum

A pickled penis.

Pickled penis at Iceland Phallological Museum

More specimens.

Pickled penises at Iceland Phallological Museum

Jars of penises, ranging from a tiny mouse to a mighty whale.

Pickled penises at Iceland Phallological Museum

There are 93 different species of animal represented in total.

Pickled penises at Iceland Phallological Museum

Two of the museums 55 whale penises with a wooden penis in the background.

Whale penises at Iceland Phallological Museum

Some metal penises.

Metal penises at Iceland Phallological Museum

The toilets.

Toilet at Iceland Phallological Museum

Penises in jars and mounted to the walls.

More penises at Iceland Phallological Museum

A penis that looks like a horn.

Another penis, Iceland Phallological Museum

I’m not sure whether the low lighting is to protect the penises or just for atmosphere. Either way I enjoyed my time in this museum borne from an eccentric passion for biology, nature and the penis. I loved that it was done in such a scandi sort of way and is a great excursion when its dark outside and you haven’t seen the Northern Lights or any whales. Despite seeing no whales in the sea, at least I can say I’ve seen the pickled penises of 16 of them.

My favourite part was when we handed over our money and the man took out his penis shaped wooden cash box and tucked it inside.

Let me know if you visit or have visited – or if you can identify any of the penises!

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