Land of Size

Why a veg box is one of the best ways to live a healthy and eco-friendly life

On a really selfish level, one of the things that I really love about having a veg box delivered is that it relieves my guilt about non-recyclable packaging and buying unethical food from unethical companies all in one go!

The beauty of getting a veg box is that it’s all seasonal and mainly local fruit and veg from organic farms that are paid a fair price for their food. Supermarkets are convenient but also responsible for a long list of sins including food waste, excessive packaging, poor treatment of suppliers and promoting products from unethical companies.

The way that veg boxes work is that you order the one that suits your household to be delivered to your door every week. You can enter likes and dislikes so they’re not included and skip a week when you need to. The packaging to be picked up and reused afterwards. Some companies even sell local and organic dairy produce and meat as well.

Here are 5 reasons why getting a veg box is good for the planet, good for your pocket and good for your body:

Assorted fresh vegetables in a box

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1. Zero-waste

One of the best things about a veg box is that there is no waste. The cardboard boxes are used again and again. Any packaging inside is reused in the next box. They come with wool inserts to keep things warm that can be composted once they cannot be reused.

2. No nasty chemicals

The Organic food that comes in the veg boxes is free from nasty chemicals that can be used in farming that is damaging to the environment. Such as pesticides that are thought to be killing off our bee species.

3. Recipe inspiration

One unexpected thing that I love about my veg box is that it inspires me to cook different things, one of the reasons is that I get to try new types of fruit and vegetables. For example, I’d never tried celeriac or fennel before and now I love them both. I’ve also tried varieties of oranges and potatoes that I’d never even heard of!

Many veg boxes include a booklet with recipe inspiration that you can try if you are in need of new ideas. It’s also really fun to get kids involved with cooking so that they can enjoy all of your weird and wonderful veg ideas with you!

4. Support local farmers

Many boxes include information about the farmers who’ve grown your food which means that you can truly know where your food is from. It also means that they’re getting paid fairly for what they produce. Also that their food isn’t being rejected for not being ‘perfect’. In fact, I’ve had fruit slightly altered in colour by weather conditions but there is always information to explain that which is really helpful.

5. It encourages you to eat veg and saves you money!

When you have a box of veg to get through, it makes you actually eat it which is great! It also means that you’re more organised. I actually make my lunches in advance when I have a veg box which saves me a lot of money.

As a vegetarian, I have the added bonus that I can actually make a lot of my meals from veg. This means I spend much less on food and go shopping less. I’m not a fan of shopping!

I really recommend getting a veg box from Abel & Cole as they have so many great offers (check their website for discount codes). I’ve always found them to be reliable and they deliver great food with awesome recipe ideas. If you want to know more about them then click on the link below:

Do you get a veg box delivered? What do you love about it? Let me know in the comments below!

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