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Why wooden toys are so good for kids

Wooden toys are making a comeback which is no surprise as flashy electronic gadgets and plastic toys are unsustainable, break easily, end up in landfill and can be annoying!

There are good reasons why they have stood the test of time and continue to captivate the hearts and minds of generations of children. They offer a myriad of benefits that go beyond mere entertainment, which is why wooden toys are still considered ideal for children’s development.

As you may have seen on various parenting Instagram accounts, they also follow the educational principles championed by Maria Montessori, known as the Montessori system.

From their safety and durability to their ability to ignite creativity and promote sensory exploration, wooden toys have a unique appeal that sets them apart from their less eco-friendly plastic counterparts.

Wooden toy boats. Photo by Baby Natur on Unsplash

These are all the reasons why wooden toys are great for child development:


Wooden toys are generally safer than plastic or metal toys because they are less likely to contain harmful chemicals like BPA (bisphenol A) or phthalates, which can be found in some plastic toys. They are also less likely to break into sharp pieces, reducing the risk of injury.


Wooden toys are typically more durable than cardboard or plastic toys. They are often made from solid wood or high-quality plywood, making them sturdy enough to be able to withstand rough play. These toys can last for generations so they can be passed down within families or donated to those in need.

Personalised wooden multicoloured tool belt, RavenSkullMagic, Etsy


Wood is a renewable resource, and by choosing wooden toys, you can help reduce the demand for the plastic toys that contribute to environmental pollution. Some wooden toys can even be recycled or composted once they are beyond repair at the end of their lifespan.

Promotion of open-ended play

Wooden toys can encourage open-ended play, where children use their imagination and creativity to play in different ways. They do not have predefined functions or specific buttons to press, allowing children to invent personalised scenarios and express themselves via this exploration.

Sensory experiences

Wood has a unique texture and natural warmth that provides an interesting sensory experience for young children. Toys like wooden blocks can offer babies a chance to touch, manipulate, and investigate different shapes and surfaces.

Wooden Letter Blocks, TheWoodCove, Etsy

Developmental benefits

Wooden toys can support and enhance fine motor skills as children grasp, stack, and manipulate the toys. Puzzles and building blocks can promote problem-solving skills, spatial awareness, and hand-eye coordination.

Imaginative play with wooden dolls or vehicles can foster social skills, communication, and emotional development.

They’re timeless for a reason

Wooden toys have a classic aesthetic that appeals to children. Adults also like them for nostalgic reasons and it can give parents, grandparents and carers an opportunity to join in and play with things that they also like.

Click here to see some of my top Etsy picks for wooden toys from small sellers:

Personalised Puzzle, TheHoneyPotLaser, Etsy

Wooden toys offer a holistic and beneficial play experience for children, supporting their growth and development in various ways that we don’t even realise!

What toys do you recommend? Share in the comments below!

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Why wooden toys are so good for kids
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